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Hej allihopa! Det var ett tag sen jag skrev här, närmare bestämt 1 September. Jag har bestämt mig för att lägga den här bloggen åt sidan, hur länge vet jag inte. Det kan vara för alltid eller under en lång period. Jag pular fortfarande med naglarna, det intresset är fortfarande kvar! Nu för tiden skriver jag i en annan blogg där naglarna kommer upp ungefär en gång i veckan, sen har jag nya tatueringar som syns där. Jag skriver även om ät- och drickbara saker, prylar och min vardag. Här är bloggen.
Jag hoppas ni som fortfarande kikar in på bloggen har varit tålmodiga. Det är verkligen fantastiskt att ni fortfarande klickar er in på denna blogg! Jag ska inte ta bort denna, absolut inte. Den ska finnas kvar för alltid!
Hi everyone! It's been a while since I last wrote here, 1st of September. I've made up my mind - I won't write in this blog anymore, for how long I don't know. It can be for ever, or for a very long time. I'm still painting my nails and making new designs because I still have the interest! Nowadays I'm writing in another blog where I also show my nail designs, about once a week. I've also got new tattoos that I've shown there. I'm also writing about stuff to eat and drink, gadgets and about myself. This is my blog.
I hope that you who still clicks yourself on to this blog has been patience. It's amazing that you still visit this blog! I'm not deleting this blog, absolutely not. It's going to be here forever!
Jag hoppas ni som fortfarande kikar in på bloggen har varit tålmodiga. Det är verkligen fantastiskt att ni fortfarande klickar er in på denna blogg! Jag ska inte ta bort denna, absolut inte. Den ska finnas kvar för alltid!
Hi everyone! It's been a while since I last wrote here, 1st of September. I've made up my mind - I won't write in this blog anymore, for how long I don't know. It can be for ever, or for a very long time. I'm still painting my nails and making new designs because I still have the interest! Nowadays I'm writing in another blog where I also show my nail designs, about once a week. I've also got new tattoos that I've shown there. I'm also writing about stuff to eat and drink, gadgets and about myself. This is my blog.
I hope that you who still clicks yourself on to this blog has been patience. It's amazing that you still visit this blog! I'm not deleting this blog, absolutely not. It's going to be here forever!
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